Draw half and quarter circle with CSS

Many times we want to draw a semi/half-circle or quarter circle or quarter circle with css in our design. It can be achieved with images, but for a few, it is difficult to create an image. It is easy to create any type of circle using CSS.

border-radius: 15px 50px 150px 150px; (first value applies to top-left corner, second value applies to top-right corner, third value applies to bottom-right corner, and fourth value applies to bottom-left corner):


1. Full-Circle:

First we will start with full circle

.full-circle {
  width: 300px;
  height: 300px;
  background-color: rgba(196, 196, 196, 1);

Even full circle can be achieve like this also

.full-circle {
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
border-radius:150px 150px 150px 150px; /* half of heght*/
background-color: rgba(196, 196, 196, 1);

2. Semi-Circle:

If you want to create bottom or top semi-circle then your width is double of height.

1. Top semi circle

Top Semi Circle
Top Semi Circle
  1. To create top-semi-circle, height should be half of width.
  2. top-left corner and top-right corner of border-radius should be half of width.
  3. bottom-left corner and bottom-right corner of border-radius should be 0
.top-semi-circle {
  width: 300px;
  height: 150px; /* half of width*/
  border-radius:150px 150px 0px 0px;
  background-color: rgba(196, 196, 196, 1);
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2. Bottom Semi Circle

Bottom Semi Circle
Bottom Semi Circle
  1. To create bottom-semi-circle, height should be half of width.
  2. top-left corner and top-right corner of border-radius should be 0.
  3. bottom-left corner and bottom-right corner of border-radius should be half of width
.bottom-semi-circle {
width: 300px;
height: 150px; /*half of width*/
border-radius:0 0 150px 150px;
background-color: rgba(196, 196, 196, 1);

Now suppose you want to create left or right semi-circle in that case your height will be double of width.

3. Left Semi Circle

Left Semi Circle
Left Semi circle
  1. To create left-semi-circle, height should be double of width.
  2. top-left corner and bottom-left corner of border-radius should be equal to width.
  3. top-right corner and bottom-right corner of border-radius should be 0.
.left-semi-circle {
width: 150px; /* half of width*/
height: 300px; 
border-radius: 150px 0 0 150px;
background-color: rgba(196, 196, 196, 1);

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4. Right Semi Circle

Right Semi Circle
  1. To create left-semi-circle, height should be double of width.
  2. top-left corner and bottom-left corner of border-radius should be 0.
  3. top-right corner and bottom-right corner of border-radius should equal to width.
.right-semi-circle {
width: 150px; /* half of width*/
height: 300px; 
border-radius: 0 150px 150px 0;
background-color: rgba(196, 196, 196, 1);

3. Quarter-Circle with CSS:

If we want to create a quarter circle in that case height and width should be equal:

1. Top Left Quarter Circle

Top Left Quarter Circle
Top Right Quarter Circle
  1. To create top left quarter circle, height should be equal to width.
  2. top-left corner of border-radius should be equal to width.
  3. top-right corner, bottom-right corner and bottom-left corner of border-radius should 0.
.top-left-quarter-circle {
  width: 300px;
  height: 300px;
  border-radius: 300px 0 0 0;
  background-color: rgba(196, 196, 196, 1);

2. Top Right Quarter Circle

Top Right Quarter Circle
Top Right Quarter Circle
  1. To create top right quarter circle, height should be equal to width.
  2. top-right corner of border-radius should be equal to width.
  3. top-left corner, bottom-right corner and bottom-left corner of border-radius should 0.
.top-right-quarter-circle {
  width: 300px;
  height: 300px;
  border-radius: 0 300px 0 0;
  background-color: rgba(196, 196, 196, 1);

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3. Bottom Right Quarter Circle

Bottom Right Quarter Circle
Bottom Right Quarter Circle
  1. To create bottom right quarter circle, height should be equal to width.
  2. bottom-right corner of border-radius should be equal to width.
  3. top-left corner, top-right corner and bottom-left corner of border-radius should 0.
.bottom-right-quarter-circle {
  width: 300px;
  height: 300px;
  border-radius: 0 0 300px 0px;
  background-color: rgba(196, 196, 196, 1);

4. Bottom left Quarter Circle

Bottom Left Quarter Circle
Bottom Left Quarter Circle
  1. To create bottom left quarter circle, height should be equal to width.
  2. bottom-left corner of border-radius should be equal to width.
  3. top-left corner, bottom-right corner and top-left corner of border-radius should 0.
.bottom-left-quarter-circle {
  width: 300px;
  height: 300px;
  border-radius: 0 0 0 300px;
  background-color: rgba(196, 196, 196, 1);

Code: Create Circles using CSS

Reference : CSS Border-radius

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