Python: Introduction of Python

Q1. What is python?

  • Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language.
  • The language is named after the BBC show Monty Python’s Flying Circus and has nothing to do with reptiles.
  • It is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language.
  • It is high level programming language.
  • It is created by Guido van Rossum in 1991
  • It is open source language

Q2. What are the applications of Python

  • Web and Internet Development
  • Database Access
  • Desktop GUIs
  • Scientific & Numeric
  • Education
  • Network Programming
  • Software & Game Development

Q3. How to install python?

Downloading Python:

The most stable Windows downloads are available from the Python for Windows page. On Windows, you have a choice between 32-bit (labeled x86) and 64-bit (labeled x86-64) versions, and several flavors of the installer for each.

Python for Mac OS X page. macOS from 10.2 (Jaguar) to 10.15 (Catalina) includes a system version of Python 2, but it is best not to consider this the Python to use for your programming tasks – install a current Python 3.x version instead. macOS after 10.15 (Catalina) will not include a default system Python.

Installation (for window)

  • Double-click the icon labeling the file python-3.7.4-amd64.exe. A Python 3.7.4 (64-bit) Setup pop-up window will appear.
Python installation-step-1
Python installer

Ensure that the Install launcher for all users (recommended) and the Add Python 3.7 to PATH checkboxes at the bottom is checked.

  • Highlight the Install Now (or Upgrade Now) message, and then click it. When run, a User Account Control pop-up window may appear on your screen. It asks, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device.
  • Click the Yes button.
  • A new Python 3.7.4 (64-bit) Setup pop-up window will appear with a Setup Progress message and a progress bar.
Python installation-step-2
python installation setup
Python installation-step-3
Installation success
  • Click the Close button.


To verify, simply open a command prompt and type python, if python has been installed then it will look like this

Introduction of python
Python interpreter
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