Add createdAt and updatedAt in mongoose schema using timstamps | Mongoose Timestamp

Mongoose schemas support a timestamps option. If you set timestamps: true, Mongoose will add two properties of type Date to your schema:

  1. createdAt: a date representing when this document was created
  2. updatedAt: a date representing when this document was last updated

Mongoose will then set createdAt when the document is first inserted, and update updatedAt whenever you update the document using save()updateOne()updateMany()findOneAndUpdate()update()replaceOne(), or bulkWrite().

const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String, age:Number, gender:String }, { timestamps: true });
const User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);

let doc = await User.create({ name: 'test', age:22,gender'Female' });

console.log(doc.createdAt); // 2022-02-26T16:37:48.244Z
console.log(doc.updatedAt); // 2022-02-26T16:37:48.244Z = 'test2';
console.log(doc.createdAt); // 2022-02-26T16:37:48.244Z
console.log(doc.updatedAt); // 2022-02-26T16:37:48.307Z

doc = await User.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: doc._id }, { name: 'test3', age:32,gender'Male' }, { new: true });
console.log(doc.createdAt); // 2022-02-26T16:37:48.244Z
console.log(doc.updatedAt); // 2022-02-26T16:37:48.366Z

The createdAt property is immutable, and Mongoose overwrites any user-specified updates to updatedAt by default.

let doc = await User.create({ name: 'test' });

console.log(doc.createdAt); // 2022-02-26T17:08:13.930Z
console.log(doc.updatedAt); // 2022-02-26T17:08:13.930Z = 'test2';
doc.createdAt = new Date(0);
doc.updatedAt = new Date(0);

// Mongoose blocked changing `createdAt` and set its own `updatedAt`, ignoring
// the attempt to manually set them.
console.log(doc.createdAt); // 2022-02-26T17:08:13.930Z
console.log(doc.updatedAt); // 2022-02-26T17:08:13.991Z

// Mongoose also blocks changing `createdAt` and sets its own `updatedAt`
// on `findOneAndUpdate()`, `updateMany()`, and other query operations
doc = await User.findOneAndUpdate(
  { _id: doc._id },
  { name: 'test3', createdAt: new Date(0), updatedAt: new Date(0) },
  { new: true }
console.log(doc.createdAt); // 2022-02-26T17:08:13.930Z
console.log(doc.updatedAt); // 2022-02-26T17:08:14.008Z

If you want to change these property names then you can overwrite these property names as shown below.

const userSchema = new Schema({ name: String }, {
  timestamps: {
    createdAt: 'created_at', // Use `created_at` to store the created date
    updatedAt: 'updated_at' // and `updated_at` to store the last updated date

Disabling Timestamps

save()updateOne()updateMany()findOneAndUpdate()update()replaceOne(), and bulkWrite() all support a timestamps option. Set timestamps: false to skip setting timestamps for that particular operation.

let doc = await User.create({ name: 'test' });

console.log(doc.createdAt); // 2022-02-26T23:28:54.264Z
console.log(doc.updatedAt); // 2022-02-26T23:28:54.264Z = 'test2';

// Setting `timestamps: false` tells Mongoose to skip updating `updatedAt` on this `save()`
await{ timestamps: false });
console.log(doc.updatedAt); // 2022-02-26T23:28:54.264Z
let doc = new User({ name: 'test' });

// Tell Mongoose to set `createdAt`, but skip `updatedAt`.
await{ timestamps: { createdAt: true, updatedAt: false } });
console.log(doc.createdAt); // 2022-02-26T23:32:12.478Z
console.log(doc.updatedAt); // undefined

Mongoose Timestamps

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