Using the $lookup Stage in MongoDB’s Aggregation Framework

The $lookup stage in MongoDB’s aggregation framework allows you to perform a left outer join to a collection in the same database. This stage is useful for combining documents from two collections based on a specified condition. The $lookup stage adds a new array field to each input document, containing the matching documents from the “joined” collection.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for the $lookup stage is as follows:

  $lookup: {
    from: "<joined_collection>",
    localField: "<field_from_input_documents>",
    foreignField: "<field_from_joined_documents>",
    as: "<output_array_field>"
  • from: The collection to join.
  • localField: The field from the input documents.
  • foreignField: The field from the documents in the from collection.
  • as: The name of the new array field to add to the input documents.

Example Usage

Exaample 1

Here’s a simple example of using the $lookup stage in MongoDB’s aggregation framework:

Let’s say we have two collections: orders and customers. We want to join the customers collection with the orders collection based on the customer_id field.

Here is how you can use the $lookup stage to achieve this:

    $lookup: {
      from: "customers",
      localField: "customer_id",
      foreignField: "customer_id",
      as: "customer_info"

In this example:

  • from: The collection to join, which is customers.
  • localField: The field from the orders collection, which is customer_id.
  • foreignField: The field from the customers collection, which is customer_id.
  • as: The name of the new array field to add to the orders documents, which is customer_info.

This will add a new field customer_info to each document in the orders collection, containing the matching documents from the customers collection.

Example 2

Let’s consider an example where we have two collections: customers and accounts. We want to join the accounts collection with the customers collection based on the account_id field.

Here is how you can use the $lookup stage to achieve this:

    $lookup: {
      from: "accounts",
      localField: "accounts",
      foreignField: "account_id",
      as: "purchases",
      pipeline: [
          $search: {
            index: "lookup-with-search-tutorial",
            compound: {
              must: [
                  queryString: {
                    defaultPath: "products",
                    query: "products: (CurrencyService AND InvestmentStock)"
              should: [
                  range: {
                    path: "limit",
                    gte: 5000,
                    lte: 10000
          $project: {
            _id: 0
    $limit: 5
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      address: 0,
      birthdate: 0,
      username: 0,
      tier_and_details: 0

In this example:

  • We join the accounts collection with the customers collection.
  • The localField is accounts from the customers collection.
  • The foreignField is account_id from the accounts collection.
  • The results are stored in the purchases array field.
  • We use the $search stage within the $lookup pipeline to filter the results based on specific criteria.
  • We project the results to exclude the _id field and limit the output to 5 documents.


The $lookup stage is compatible with the following MongoDB environments:

  • MongoDB Atlas: The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud.
  • MongoDB Enterprise: The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB.
  • MongoDB Community: The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB.

Starting in MongoDB 5.1, you can use $lookup with sharded collections.


The $lookup stage is a powerful tool in MongoDB’s aggregation framework that allows you to combine documents from different collections based on specified conditions. By using the $lookup stage, you can enrich your documents with related data from other collections, making your queries more powerful and flexible.

I hope this article helps you understand how to use the $lookup stage in MongoDB’s aggregation framework!

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