Why you should read books

A good reader has a high level of concentration. They are so much comfortable with reading that reading is as natural as breathing to them. To read and grasp, they don’t need to give any effort, it happens naturally.


Beyond the console.log()

While working on front-end most of the time we use console.log(). In sort for front-end developers, it is a tool for debugging. But most of the developer doesn't know the real power of the console. It consists of lots of features


5 Must VsCode plugins for web development

There is an infinite number of Visual Studio Code extensions that can make programming fun for beginners and increase productivity for the more seasoned developers. I will help to pick up five plugins which could help you boost your web development projects.


What happens when a domain expires?

If registrants do not renew their domains, the domain expires. Learn about what happens to expired domains and when it becomes possible to buy expired ... Domain life cycle: available, active, grace, redemption and deletion periods. Domain passes through different stages from available to deletion


Is Ashoka the greater emperor?

Historical sources on the net claim that Genghis Khan was the most powerful emperor of all time, but looking at figures, King Ashoka had an army thrice as big as him. Is Ashoka the greater emperor? Let try to understand at my point of view.