How to restart Jenkins manually | restart Jenkins

To restart Jenkins we have various way. Few are with url and few with the help of plugin. Let see all possible ways to restart jenkins.

1. Using url

<jenkins_url>/safeRestart – Allows all running jobs to complete. New jobs will remain in the queue to run after the restart is complete.
<jenkins_url>/restart – Forces a restart without waiting for builds to complete.



2. Using Plugin

The SafeRestart Plugin  allows you to restart Jenkins safely: it’s waiting that all builds in progress finished before launching restart.

Safe Restart Plugin
Safe Restart Plugin

3. Jenkin Service

For Linux base OS:

  • To know the status
    • sudo service jenkins status
  • To start
    • sudo service jenkins start
  • To stop
    • sudo service jenkins stop
  • To restart
    • sudo service jenkins restart

For CentOS:

  • To stop
    • sudo systemctl stop Jenkins
  • To start
    • sudo systemctl start Jenkins
  • To restart
    • sudo systemctl restart Jenkins

For Window:

  • To stop
    • jenkins.exe stop
  • To start
    • jenkins.exe start
  • To restart
    • jenkins.exe restart

For MacOS:

  • To stop
    • sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist
  • To restart
    • sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist

4. Using CLI

java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s <jenkin_url> restart

5. For Window If service installed

Run services.msc or Open Task manager go to service tab and search Jenkins Service  and restart:

Jenkins Service
Jenkins Service

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